This opportunity to interview with Mr. Urena was amazing!
We received an email from Ray Price Honda which let us know that we were voted BEST DAYCARE!!! We are so excited!!! Our team has worked so hard to provide top quality care to all of our babies and to win this means the world to us! This year we just expanded and opened a second location, so this award is a blessing in getting the word out that we provide awesome care in the area! Thank you Ray Price!!!
Life Skills /
Here at The Child Development Center of Easton we focus on the child as a whole. We want to make our students become well rounded individuals during their time at our center. Yesterday the students were to fill out a job application to become mini camp counselors to mentor the younger campers! Students were to then dress up and interview for their position! The students did a fantastic job and even brought in handwritten resumes and cover letters!!! We are so happy that they had a fantastic time with this life skills project!
The Little Things... /
I have learned to love the little things in life. Many times adults rush through life and in turn rush their children through life. I have taken the time out to get on my students level and see what they see everyday. The reason why it takes them so long to get to the circle time carpet when I have told them too multiple times is because they stop along their journey to the carpet to admire the toys that I took hours to pick out for the classroom, and spent lots of money on. They take the time to find the missing tire from the Hess fire truck that has been missing for days. They take time to stop and tell me how beautiful my new vest is. They take the time to let their friend know that they want to be partners with them. They take the time........ to get where they are going but enjoy their journey much more. This morning I got into the transportation vehicle and found 3 toys that belonged to my students, and it reminded me to always enjoy the journey that life takes me on and just reminded me of the love my students give to everyone that crosses their path and how much I love them back! Now...... to rush a return these toys!
The Alphabet! /
We needed the alphabet displayed in our preschool classroom. Our students helped us create the alphabet using them!!! How cute are they??? This type of displayed alphabet is much better than the commercialized alphabet cards that can be bought everywhere in the world. Not only did we get our alphabet but we made beautiful works of art and we can display this alphabet that the students can have a personal attachment to!
The best alphabet!!!❤️
📦📦Boxes📦📦 /
When I was a kid, I used to find boxes so interesting! I could easily turn a box into a playhouse, car, mailbox, treehouse, table and much more!!! When we gave our kids boxes yesterday, they seemed unsure of what to do. Their curious eyes were nervous of making the wrong decision on what to do with the box. As I sat in the middle of the art station and decorated my box, I received many questions such as “what are you doing miss Karlena?” , “What are you making?”, “Why did you give me a chicken nugget box?”... All to which I replied “This is your box, make anything you want with it”. It was then, the students got to work. Frantically grabbing construction paper, scissors, glue, paint and anything else on the art shelf. It was heartwarming to see them truly thinking about their creations and working as a team to get their boxes done. Art that incorporates no limits and has no structure is the best art. We love Free art!!

🌸It’s Spring🌸 /
The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS❤️ Today! The sun was shining, The sky was a beautiful blue! We are so happy that Spring has finally arrived!!
Today the students planted flowers! The preschoolers planted sunflowers🌻🌻🌻
They loved putting their hands in the fresh soil! Hopefully these sunflowers grow beautifully within the classroom soon!
As all of the teachers scurry about decorating their classrooms for spring, the children are so excited and awaiting the changeover in curriculum activities and more outdoor time! We all can’t wait to spend most of our days outside!
It’s FRIDAY!!! /
We have almost made it through another yet successful week here at The Child Development Center of Easton! Many people have careers in which they celebrate their friday because will enjoy their weekend off from work! I can say that Fridays around here are very different! Friday means 2 lonely days of not seeing our students, 2 days of wondering if they are having fun this weekend, 2 days of not receiving hugs and kisses just because they love us! When packing up their naptime blankets to send home to wash.... it brings upon saddness. Life is short, so 2 days is a long time! Until Monday my babies❤️ We will miss you this weekend!

Another Snowy Morning... /
Closing early yesterday at 10:00am marks the 4th storm in March! Looking out the window at a white blanket covering the parking lot and our playgrounds, no kids in sight, made us realize how much we miss our Jam packed days of art projects, morning circle time, and loud dramatic play centers. Today I looked out the camera and saw this beautiful sight! ❤️❤️ The sun is out! No snow falling! Our kids will return today around 10:00am!! I am so excited!!! Should we have a school wide snowball fight? A cozy day of movies and warm chocolate with those mini marshmallows? The possibilities are endless! All I know is that I am so excited to see all of our kids stomp through the door in puffy colorful coats and snowy boots!
A snowy morning from our front door camera!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!! /
The Child Development Center of Easton Has been officially open since November 20, 2017!!! Since then we have grown by leaps and bounds! A lot has happened in such a very short time!! Yesterday we celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a Party!!! Aren't our kids the cutest???!!! Happy St. Patrick's Day to Everyone!!!
Fall is here! /
Its Fall at The Child Development Center of Easton! Pumpkins and Scarecrows and Fun Oh My!
I spy... /
I spy with my little eye, an Infant/Toddler room that is baby blue!!!
Coming along... /
a sneek peek into the Preschool/Pre-K Classroom! I ❤️ The colors!!
Renovations have begun! /
Renovations have begun!!🎊🎉 Red, Blue and yellow oh my! The primary colors are so fascinating! Stay tuned for more updates as we go through this journey of creating the perfect play space for kids!
3 More Days! /
Look at these cuties!! Only 3 more days until we start renovations! Beginning August 7th we will be accepting pre-enrollments for the 2017-18 school year!
Coming Soon! /
The Child Development Center of Easton is coming soon! We will continue to post periodic updates of opening dates for the 2017-2018 school year. We will be accepting Pre-enrollments beginning August 1, 2017 at our location. If you would like to sign your child up for the 2017-18 school year please contact us at anytime.